Surf The Web in Peace without Ads

Use Total Adblock Google Chrome™ browser extension to remove unwanted ads. Try us free for 7 days

Experience a cleaner browsing experience by blocking annoying ads.

Block Ads. Browse Better

Remove Annoying and Distracting Adverts

Eliminate pop-ups, banners, and video ads, so you can see what really matters.

Enjoy a Faster Web Browsing Experience

Improve page load times and enjoy faster browsing. Blocking ads gives your browser a speed boost.

Protect your Privacy and Information

Total Adblock blocks third-party trackers and helps you avoid being tracked across the Internet.

Get AdBlock for Android & iOS

Block annoying ads including pop-ups, autoplay video ads, and audio ads on Facebook and YouTube on your Android and iOS device.

Block Ads in Mobile Web Browsers

Stop Advertisers Following you Online

Increase Battery Life

Important Subscription, Pricing and Offer Details

We offer monthly, quarterly, biannual & annual subscription plans that automatically renew unless canceled. Unless you cancel before the end of your first term, your subscription will automatically renew for another term and each term thereafter upon its anniversary at the non-promotional price.

If you would like to cancel, you can do so by visiting your account or by contacting us. Refunds are available upon request for those who are eligible. To be considered for a refund, you must request cancellation within the first 30 days of starting an annual subscription, or within the first 14 days of starting a monthly, quarterly or biannual subscriptions.